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HomeGet HelpInpatient Alcohol Treatment5 Signs Inpatient Alcohol Treatment is Right for You

5 Signs Inpatient Alcohol Treatment is Right for You

Millions of people suffer from alcoholism and are unable to control their drinking because they have become dependent on alcohol to elevate their moods, control emotional instabilities, or to alleviate unpleasant physical symptoms such as withdrawals. Dinking in moderation may not be harmful in and of itself, but, alcoholism is a progressive disease that significantly alters the mind and over time, ordinary drinking habits can advance to the alcoholic stage without any previous warning.

How Does Inpatient Alcohol Treatment Help?

inpatient alcohol rehab

Inpatient programs provide more in-depth and personal care.

Alcohol affects everyone differently and the issues that result from this disease often involves a combination of unwanted behaviors, physical ailments, inability to function without the use of alcohol, and psychological disorders such as memory loss, impaired cognitive functions, and other emotional disorders which make it difficult to deal with daily life stressors.

The most effective treatment must encompass all these aspects, in continuum, and the best way to do that, is by providing a safe detox from alcohol and psychotherapy interventions combined with counseling to help the addict maintain sobriety. With 24 hour care, guidance, and support from professionals who understand the nature and consequences of this disease, the longer a person remains in a sobriety enforced recovery program of an inpatient alcohol treatment, the more attainable their long term sobriety will be.

5 Signs Inpatient Alcohol Treatment is Right for You

There may be many reasons for a person to seek inpatient alcohol treatment which provides an intensified approach to their recovery needs and the most common are:

1) Needing alcohol daily to function can result in failures to maintain family, work, or social obligations because they are distracted by the need to consume alcohol or because of their alcohol consumption, they have cognitive difficulties in concentrating or remembering, neglect important activities, or miss appointments and deadlines.

2) Tolerance begins when the person needs to consume more alcohol to achieve the desired effect and progresses to drinking greater amounts more frequently.

3) Dependency occurs when the mind and the body become dependent on alcohol and the alcoholic suffers ill effects, known as withdrawals, when the chemical is reduced in their system. They may become overly anxious, nervous, and physically ill as symptoms of alcohol withdrawals set in, along with intense cravings for more alcohol use.

4) Uncontrollable and compulsive drinking can lead to physical illnesses such as diabetes, liver damage, or cardiovascular problems. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, alcohol is involved” in about 60% of fatal burn injuries, drownings, and homicides; 50% of severe trauma injuries and sexual assaults; and 40% of fatal motor vehicle crashes, suicides, and fatal falls. Psychological problems and maladaptive behaviors may result in arrests, domestic violence, child neglect, or economic difficulty.

5) Inability to enjoy hobbies and fun activities without the use of alcohol can be significant sign of damage and disruptions in the brain due to depletion of normal dopamine productions caused by excessive alcohol abuse.

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