Alcohol Detox Treatment

Alcohol detox treatment is the best option for a successful recovery.
For anyone seeking treatment for alcohol abuse, the first step is usually going to be detoxification. Alcohol detox has varying levels of symptoms and risks, some of which can be deadly, and therefore a medical detox may not only be smart but also necessary.
According to the National Library of Medicine, there is a long list of possible alcohol withdrawal symptoms. Common ones include anxiety or nervousness, mood swings, nightmares, depression, fatigue, shakiness, cloudy mind and irritability. Additional (and often more severe) symptoms may be rapid heart rate, insomnia, loss of appetite, nausea or vomiting, headaches and clammy skin. A condition known as delirium tremens (DTs) ususally carries the heaviest symptoms if not properly treated, such as seizures, severe shakes, severe confusion or hallucinations, and even death.
Detoxifying from alcohol can happen within about 24 hours for lesser amounts or lower-risk situations, or it can take up to a full week for people requiring more medical assistance or who are at a higher risk for adverse reactions. The cost of treating alcohol abuse in a detox setting is usually between $500 and $2,000 per day, largely due to the number of specialized medical staff needed for 24-hour supervision as well as the medications that are administered throughout the process to help stabilize the individual.
The medications typically used in alcohol detox include sedatives or tranquilizers, specifically benzodiazepines (benzos) such as Ativan, Librium, Klonopin, Valium or Xanax. These drugs help to prevent a seizure from occurring as well as reduce the anxiety involved in alcohol detox. Additional treatments may be used during the detox process such as IV therapies containing amino acids and other nutritional supplements to help the person’s body heal faster as well as prevent dehydration. It is also common that some form of counseling begins during this initial stage to help deal with the mental and emotional effects of the situation.
Detox from alcohol should not be taken lightly, and consulting a professional about your medical treatment options is recommended. Contact us for more information about alcohol detoxification and locating a safe and effective treatment facility.