How Alcohol Rehabilitation Will Change Your Life
Because alcohol is not an illegal substance and its consumption is extremely common whether out or in the home, many individuals do not realize they have a problem, and those who do believe that they can stop abusing it on their own. In truth, alcohol is a substance that can be addictive similar to the way that drugs are, and many more individuals have an issue with alcohol abuse and dependence than commonly realized. According to the NLM, “About 18 million adult Americans have an alcohol use disorder.”
If you have found that your alcohol use has gotten beyond your control, it would be extremely beneficial to you to attend some sort of alcohol rehabilitation. In many ways, this sort of treatment can actually change your life.
It Can Give You Your Control Back.
“Not being able to stop drinking once you’ve started” is one of the strongest signs of alcoholism and alcohol abuse. It can be devastating to not be able to control your drinking, and this can lead to many problems in your life. Issues like black outs can occur often for those who are unable to stop drinking once they have had enough, and it can be a constant source of embarrassment any time you attend a party or go out with friends.
Attending rehabilitation can give you back your control over alcohol. For some individuals, there isn’t a need to stop drinking altogether after attending treatment, but for others (especially those diagnosed with alcoholism), there is. Either way, you will be able to learn coping mechanisms as well as ways to better control your drinking. Depending on your situation, you will find the amount you can drink that is right and safe for you, even if that amount is none. Rehab will give you back the ability to make the decision to stop and the ability to say when.
It Can Reunite You With Your Loved Ones.
Often when a person habitually drinks to excess, it can create a rift between family members, friends, and significant others. When you are unable to stop drinking, even when someone you love asks you to, it can create a problem that can eventually erode your entire relationship. The NLM states that those who “continue to drink, even when relationships with family and friends are being harmed” have an alcohol use disorder and need to attend rehab.
Showing your loved ones that you are serious about recovery by attending rehab can be extremely beneficial to your relationships, but alcohol rehabilitation does more than just that. Patients also learn about how their abuse of alcohol affects others in their life, and many facilities even provide family or marriage counseling so that the patient and their loved ones can actually benefit from a professional therapy session. This kind of treatment can mend relationships that were nearly broken as a result of alcohol abuse and allow patients and family members to all receive the treatment and respect they need in order to move into a better place, both individually and together.
It Can Lengthen Your Life.
Alcohol abuse, over time, can become one of the most dangerous and deadly substance abuse syndromes. The longer a person drinks to excess, the more likely it is that they will experience major health problems in the future. Rehabilitation treatment can actually lengthen your life and make you much healthier in the long term.
The NIAAA states, “Drinking too much––on a single occasion or over time––can take a serious toll on your body.” Here are some of the ways in which alcohol abuse can affect your health:
- Alcohol causes changes to the brain which results in mood and behavioral disorders as well as problems with coordination.
- “Drinking a lot… can damage the heart” and cause:
- Stroke
- Arrhythmias
- Cardiomyopathy
- High blood pressure
- It can cause liver disease including cirrhosis, and alcoholic hepatitis.
- It can case pancreatitis as well as many other dangerous diseases.
- Mouth, throat, esophagus, liver, and breast cancer become more of a risk with long-term alcohol abuse.
- A weakened immune system and an inability to fight infection can result even from drinking too much on a single occasion.
Because alcohol is not considered to be as dangerous as illicit drugs like heroin and methamphetamine, many individuals abuse it without realizing the health consequences that can be caused, but attending treatment can actually lengthen your life span and reduce your chances of experiencing one of the terrible conditions listed above.
It Can Save Your Life.
In the immediate sense, alcohol abuse can be deadly, even when you stop drinking suddenly. According to the NLM, “Delirium tremens is a severe form of alcohol withdrawal that involves sudden and severe mental or nervous system changes.” This issue only occurs with those individuals who are dependent on the substance, but it can be deadly as its symptoms include:

One fatal effect of alcohol abuse is seizures.
- Body tremors
- Changes in mental functions
- Disorientation and confusion
- Excitement
- Fear
- Delirium
- Deep sleep that can last as long as a day
- Hallucinations
- Stupor
- Seizures
In alcohol rehabilitation, you will be treated for this condition with medications that, depending on how severe your symptoms are, may be used to sedate you for the duration of your withdrawal. This is much safer than trying to go through alcohol withdrawal on your own, especially if you are likely to experience delirium tremens, and rehabilitation could actually save your life in this instance.
It Can Open Your Eyes to the Importance of Things Other than Alcohol.
When a person abuses alcohol over a long period of time, they may forget the importance of all other aspects of their life. Attending treatment can help open your eyes and remind you that your family and other loved ones, your job, school, home, and other aspects of your life are incredibly important. And, unfortunately, the truth is that many of these aspects will have been harmed by your alcohol abuse.
This is often one of the most important ways treatment can change your life, as you will be reminded of what is most significant to you and you can use that (family, friends, work, etc.) as a motivation to help you fight the urge to abuse alcohol throughout the rest of your life.