What Should I Tell My Doctor in Alcohol Addiction Treatment?
When you decide to begin alcohol addiction treatment, it is important to discuss a number of matters with your doctor and to be prepared to be honest and forthcoming with them. Below are some of the most important things to tell your doctor in alcohol addiction treatment. If you do not have a rehab program yet, call 800-481-6965 (Who Answers?) to find facilities that will help you recover.
Explain Your Drinking History

Make sure to address any medical issues resulting from your alcoholism.
Your doctor will need to understand your thoughts about your alcohol use and what type of drinker you believe you are. According to the National Library of Medicine, “Even if you are a responsible drinker, drinking too much just once can be harmful,” and it is important for your doctor to be able to determine your pattern. Therefore, make sure to be honest about:
- How many drinks you have per week.
- What type of drinks they are.
- How long you have been drinking.
- What other substances (if any) you use in addition to alcohol.
- Whether or not you are tolerant to/dependent on alcohol.
Discuss the Consequences of Your Drinking
If you are deciding to enter alcohol addiction treatment, you have likely experienced a certain consequences associated with your drinking. According to the NLM, there are a number of possible side effects to problem drinking, alcohol abuse, or alcoholism, including:
- Medical issues
- Liver damage
- Bleeding from the stomach
- Swelling of the pancreas
- Cancer
- Nerve damage
- High blood pressure
- Mental health issues
- An increased risk of suicide
- Sleep problems
- Issues with school or work
- A tendency toward violence
- Risky behavior leading to severe consequences (STIs, unwanted pregnancy, etc.)
- Getting arrested or doing something that caused legal ramifications
If any of these consequences has occurred in your life (and especially if one of them has led to your choice to enter alcohol addiction treatment), your doctor should be made aware of it.
Giving Up Alcohol – 5 Reasons to Seek Professional Treatment
Explain Your Fears
It is very important to tell your doctor about any issues that may have held you back from seeking treatment until now or any fears you may have about recovery or rehab.
If your doctor understands these fears, they will often be able to dispel them and help you become more prepared to begin treatment. You will also be able to understand your rehab program better as well as what is required from you to be able to recover safely and gain as much as possible from your treatment.
Finding the Right Rehab Program
If you discuss any of these subjects with your doctor and do not feel comfortable in your current rehab program, it is important to find a treatment facility that better caters to your needs.
Talking to your doctor first can be one of the best ways to find out if a program is right for you. We can also help you find rehab programs that will fit your requirements for addiction treatment and make you as comfortable as possible during your recovery. Call 800-481-6965 (Who Answers?) now.