Can Alcohol Abuse Make Other Substances More Dangerous?
Abusing alcohol along with other drugs can absolutely make both substances more dangerous. If you have been abusing one or more substances and need help, call 800-481-6965 (Who Answers?) to find safe, reliable rehab centers that will cater to your needs.
Alcohol Abuse and Other Drugs

Mixing steroids with alcohol can increase violent behavior.
Abusing alcohol along with other drugs is extremely dangerous and is often more likely to lead to overdose and other issues. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, below are the additional consequences one might encounter when taking commonly misused drugs with alcohol.
- Cocaine: a greater risk of overdose and death than normally caused by the use of either drug on its own
- GHB: nausea, respiratory depression and breathing problems
- Heroin: an increase in respiratory depression, depression of heart rate, chance of coma, and death
- Nitrites and other inhalants: low blood pressure
- Ketamine: an increase in negative effects of both substances
- LSD: a decrease in one’s perception of the effects of alcohol, causing people to drink more and possibly experience alcohol poisoning
- Marijuana: an increase in heart rate and blood pressure
- Methamphetamine: a decrease in one’s perception of the effects of alcohol, increasing the chance of overdose, and an increase in blood pressure
- PCP: a higher risk of coma
- Prescription opioids: an increase in respiratory depression and decrease in the heart rate, causing deadly results to be more likely
- Prescription sedatives: an increase in respiratory depression and slowing of the heart rate, causing deadly results to be more likely
- Prescription stimulants: a decrease one’s perception of alcohol’s depressant effects, making alcohol poisoning more likely
- Rohypnol: severe sedation and unconsciousness, as well as slowed heart rate and breathing
- Steroids: an increase in violent or hostile behavior
The use of nearly any dangerous, addictive, or illicit drug along with alcohol will cause more problematic results to occur. Also, one who is using prescription drugs to get high is likely to experience severe and possibly deadly results, but those who take prescription drugs as prescribed could experience deadly side effects when drinking at the same time. It is very important to avoid this sort of polydrug abuse, but unfortunately, the use of alcohol with all of these substances is extremely common.
How Do I Find Help?
Polydrug use requires professional treatment, much in the same way that single drug use does (Australian Government Department of Health).
The most important thing to remember is that an individual who has been abusing more than one drug at a time (including alcohol) will need to be treated for both issues simultaneously so they will not experience issues with one substance, causing them to relapse back to the other.
Alcohol can cause a number of problems when mixed with other drugs, among them making both substances more dangerous, but with treatment, you can begin to heal.
Call 800-481-6965 (Who Answers?) now to find rehab programs that will provide you with the treatment options necessary for your safe and effective recovery. We want to help you find the right program for your needs and answer any questions you may have about the effects of alcohol and other substances, your treatment plan, and the options available for your recovery. Call today.