5 Step Alcohol Abuse Treatment Solutions that Work
When it comes to alcohol abuse and alcoholism, there is no more destructive force for individuals and families. Finding a way to stop drinking and embrace a positive solution is critical to avoiding the perils of chronic alcohol abuse. A five step solution to alcohol abuse treatment can help find immediate relief to the devastation of alcohol abuse.
A Five Step Solution
Alcohol abuse, leading to alcoholism, can be deadly. Worse than dying, however, is living with the disease. Families are torn apart. Smart, competent, compassionate individuals become people unrecognizable after an extended time in the depths of addiction.
There are many options for treatment, but finding a solution that works sooner, rather than later, is the best option for those struggling with alcohol use disorder and the family members who love them. Following five simple steps can set an alcohol abuser on the path to a life of happy abstinence.
For more information about alcohol treatment and recovery options, call our helpline at 800-481-6965 (Who Answers?) .
Honesty and Admission
The first important requirement is that alcohol abusers make an honest admission to a health care provider who has some expertise in the field of alcohol abuse and addiction. Being honest with a doctor is critical to receiving sound advice with regard to treatment. Alcohol withdrawal can be deadly, so medical professionals need all the information before prescribing pharmacological therapy. Detoxification is necessary to clear the system of alcohol’s harmful effects.

Writing in a journal each day can help you stay on track during recovery.
Alcohol abuse generally has its root causes in mental and emotional problems. It is important to seek counseling or find a support group to help assess any underlying issues.
Drinking alcohol is usually a way of handling other issues like stress, anxiety or depression. Uncovering these issues and seeking appropriate help, or learning positive coping strategies, is crucial to continued recovery.
Clearing Up the Mess
Alcohol abusers lead messy lives. There may be DUI charges, damaged family relationships or legal trouble to clear up. Finding ways to correct each incident by applying small, positive actions is important upon achieving sobriety. Setting things right can lead to feelings of accomplishment and self-esteem, which help build a strong foundation for continued recovery.
Helping Others
For an extended period, alcohol abusers have been obsessed with alcohol. Mental obsession, craving and patterns of racing thinking are characteristic of alcoholism and alcohol abuse. Breaking the mental obsession is difficult. Finding ways to help others allows the person seeking recovery to get outside of him/herself. Aspiring to altruistic endeavors, like cleaning up the past, leads to positive feelings and good self-esteem.
Daily Rituals
Whether a person is recovering from alcohol use disorder, or still drinking, daily rituals are at play. To change, new habits must be acquired. Thus, establishing new rituals and routines is important for those trying to stop drinking and stay stopped. Exercise, healthy eating, meditation and journaling are all daily practices that may be helpful as an outlet for some of the issues uncovered in the self-reflection step.
Different Recovery Options
Alcohol abuse takes many different forms and people suffer to varying degrees. Depending upon the level of alcohol use disorder, treatment specialists may recommend different options. Some of the following recovery options are available for those seeking long-term recovery:
- Inpatient rehabilitation
- Outpatient rehabilitation
- Group counseling
- Individual counseling
- SMART recovery programs
- 12-step recovery programs
- Life Ring recovery programs
- Celebrate recovery programs
Enjoying a New Way of Life
Regardless of the method or recovery program selected, seeking help for alcohol abuse is the only viable option for those breaking free from the chains of addiction. Being caught in a cycle of obsessive alcohol abuse is a nightmare. Committing to these five simple steps is a way to begin a rewarding and satisfying way of life. You can begin your recovery journey today by calling us toll-free at 800-481-6965 (Who Answers?) .
Do You Struggle with Alcohol Abuse? Seek Treatment Before It’s Too Late
Miller, M. (2015). The relevance of Twelve-Step Recovery in 21st Century Addiction Medicine. American Society of Addiction Medicine. Retrieved from: http://www.asam.org/magazine/read/article/2015/02/13/the-relevance-of-twelve-step-recovery-in-21st-century-addiction-medicine
National Institute on Drug Abuse (2012). Principles of drug addiction treatment: A research-based guide. NIH. Retrieved from: https://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/principles-drug-addiction-treatment-research-based-guide-third-edition/drug-addiction-treatment-in-united-states/types-treatment-programs
Smith, J. & Randall, K (2012). Anxiety and alcohol use disorders. Alcohol Research Current Reviews. 34(4): 414-431. Retrieved from : https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3860396/
US National Library of Medicine (2016). Alcoholism and alcohol abuse. Medline Plus. Retrieved from: https://medlineplus.gov/alcoholismandalcoholabuse.html